Easter Day - More Images from the final 2 days still to come
You may be wondering why there were so few photographers on the start line during the regatta and none at all for the last 4 days, in particular those that your use to have seen there during the other regattas at the Lake.
Rowing New Zealand approved the accreditation of photographers and the media for the regatta but excluded most of them from the best photo opportunity site on the course, the start bridge. They reserved the space for the 2 photographers that they contracted to get a picture of every crew at the regatta. They have pledged to make these images available, free of charge, after the regatta. (see below for contact details)
As you can imagine those of us who have been photographing this regatta and many others, for many years, were very unhappy about this exclusion. During the regatta we have been approached by many parents and rowers who have wondered what was going on - in particular the absence over the last and most important days of racing.
For me this has limited my opportunity to provide the coverage that has usually been available to honour those of you whom I agreed to try and provide for in between the voluntary work that I do at the regatta.
I will be posting what I have later in the week. In the meanwhile if you want the crew photos from rowing New Zealand email Anna Williams ( anna@rowingnz.kiwi ) with your requests. Email her as well if you wish to register your disappointment that the photographers they expected to see at the start were not there and that the final 4 days were not covered. Please copy me in to this latter email if you wish - If you prefer not to contact Anna and are happy to email me solely on the matter please do so on the contact from on this site
Thank you all for your interest and support as always. I photograph for the love of the sport, to provide the memories for those that were there and to continue my archive for future reference .
Best Wishes, Yours in rowing, Rob